Congratulations Big Mike on your huge raw total this weekend
Diet/Calorie intake questions.
Mike I got a few questions for ya. I have always believed that an individuals diet is just as important as the lifting program one does. Obviously without the sufficient ammount of protein and carbs and natural fats etc., you cannot get the gains that you should make by working your muscles. I was wonde...
Fatigue Stops
Hi Mike, Read your book with great interest so thanks very much for putting it out there. My question is regarding fatigue stops. You say that if you do say a tripple and its 8, then do it again and its 9 stop and move on you're done. What is the rational behind this and is there a case to be made for doing more a...
Mark Robinson
Have some questions about putting together program
I picked out my exercises for the program but I am having trouble putting them together. I don't know whether to do a 3 or 4 day per week program. Here is my exercise selection -Suit squats, Raw squat variation- Low box squat, Squat supplement- pause squat or high bar squat -DL assist- Reverse band dl,...
Incorporating Concentrated Loading
This discussion is for advanced and extra class lifters who are interested or has incorporated concentrated loading into there training. (Concentrated loading is dangerous and will make you more susceptible to injury. ) Since apparently there is little advantage for high class athletes to ut...
Brady Stewart
Higher Rep Sets: RPE, etc
OK, so I was doing 15 rep squats yesterday, and it struck me that I could radically alter the RPEs based on how fast I do the reps. My normal rhythm on high-rep squatting is one rep every 10-15 seconds. That gives me time to take 4 or 5 nice measured, deep breaths in between every rep. Of course, the bar sta...
Building your home gym?
So I am almost finished getting all my stuff needed for my home gym. Nothing fancy except for my custom rack which I cant wait to get. But anyways its pretty simple just a platform with band hooks and my power rack with loads of weights. I am unsure if my idea for my platform will be enough to take the poundin...
Nick Morneau
Having trouble figuring out how to start my rts training
So i got the manual from Santa this year. I have read over it multiple times already and it seems to make alot of sense but I am having trouble putting it all together. I am fairly advanced so I just cant see myself starting out at just the basic with fatigue stops. My conditioning and recovering ability is...
Nick Morneau
RTS with different template and goals
Hi, I read your book, and I think it was really good! I want to apply the genereal principles in the book to my own training, which is somewhat different than the templates in the book since I am a little more size-oriented and not a powerlifter. First, I will increase the reps a little by adding the rep r...
exercises to work the bottom of the squat
What is everybody using to work on the bottom of the squat. I dont have a huge weekness but its definitly something that I dont want to neglect either. I choose to do pause squats and ssb squats to work on the bottom. But ive never done pause squats so I am unsure. I dont want to go back to box squats, I didnt re...
Nick Morneau
Question about Cyclic
Hi, I've just finished reading the book, and I must say it was quite intruiging and I am looking forward to trying this after finishing my current round of Sheiko. I do have a question about the cyclic exercises though. Are you supposed to cycle the rep ranges during the volume and intensity phase, or ju...
Geir M
Bands for benching.
I am going to order some bands for bench since they seem to help a large ammount with deads and squats, question is though what to buy. I am not familiar with bands for benching and was wondering what the common band to use is. I see minis used often, and sometimes doubled I think. Should I order two sets of m...
Deadlift with Chains: Setup
How do you use chains with a DL? I wanted to use 2 sets of chains in my session last night, and no matter what I tried, the chains would either end up under the plates, meaning getting another rep was impossible without re-setting up, or at least one set of chains would just fall of mid-way through the lift....
RTS Bench Training
i've been following the posts on this site daily and getting a feel for program designs. I have been following the basic template(from manual) for a while now and am making progress. Wondering about more frequency based training in an off-season setting with next bench-only meet in April. Than...
First Squat Suit
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to a good first squat suit. I squat with feet slightly outside of the shoulders, lift in the USAPL, and have a budget of about $140 (Christmas cash). I was thinking of just getting a z-suit since I imagine it would be very forgiving and leave some money in m...
snatch grip DL question for Mike
Mike, did the snatch grip DL's yesterday and it went real well. My question is today my upper back is real sore. Is that normal when doing this exercise? Thanks, Chad
Chad McMullin
Recovery methods, grip strength and other questions.
For Mike and anyone else. Contrast baths (plunge pool/spa): What ratio and times do people recommend. I have been reading 1:1 with 1 minute periods. but the posters at the recovery centre say 1 min hot, 30 seconds cold. What does everyone else do? ---------------------------------------- Grip: h...
What should my Deadlift Contest Opener Be Jan 25
on 12-28-08 dynamic back deads on aerobics platform w/ blue bands finish w/ 335(1)(5sets) exersion9/9/8/8/9 stiff leg on aerobics 335(1)(5sets)e8/8/7/7/7 sumu normal 335(1)(5)e8/8/7/7/6 box squats w/ blue bands finish w/ 345(2)(4sets)e8/8/9/8 on 12-30-08 (last heavy day)[because holida...
Pause benches
I got the idea a couple months ago (from Eric Talmant) to try long pause(about 6 second) benches. Not a new trick by any means but man, have they improved my bench! I'm pausing weights for six seconds that were a tough touch-n-go a couple months ago. I'm using them as my primary bench movement on my &quo...
Solo Bench Shirt Work
Mike Tuchscherer
band pull vs rack pulls
hey guys! Top end is clearly the weakness as you can tell by the title of the topic lol! SO whats up, what do you guys prefer for the top end, something like a below the knee rack pull or a deadlift with pretty heavy band tension. Enough where you can still pull around 70% of your 1RM straight weight max for a h...
Little D.J.
Sets vs Reps opinion
Hey guys, What do you feel is more effective fo powerlifting, a single set with say 5 reps or multiple sets, such as 3 sets of 2, and why do you think so? This would be earlier in a cycle. Later on you could use, a single set for a triple vs. 2 doubles, or a single if thats all you got. Reason i ask, is for years i tr...
Calculating Volume
What is the lowest percent that you count when determining your volume for an exercise.
Squat suit or deadlift suit to pull in...??
I have been reading mixed reviews about pulling in a squat suit, and some people are claiming better numbers out of the squat gear then out of a deadlift suit by 50 pounds. Seems like getting to the bar would be hard with squat gear. Just curious what everyones experiences with this are before I try it out...
Loose gear.
I recently picked up my old titan gear and F6 bench shirt from a few years back. They only have one ****ty comp on them but are pretty loose. Curious if I should use the gear on equipped days of just stay raw until i get tighter fitting gear. I am 240 right now, and was 278 when I work this stuff previously. I pu...
Workout Planning
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Hi Mike, How do you plan your workouts? How do you rotate your exercises and how do you build your sets / reps? Tall
New Guy questions
Hi I am new your forum. I am new to RTS. I have read your book(very informative) and the posts/logs on the forum. I still have a some questions. I am going to start with the basic template and trying to figure out my RPE's. On the noncyclic(supplemental) exercises should sets and reps vary in volum...
Excentric training
Studies seem to indicate that it's close to the best thing to emerge since sliced bread. What is the general (educated) oppinion on them on this board? I know of atleast one swedish trainer of elite (swedish) powerlifters that incorporate them.
Hi, Im new here. I have a couple of questions
Hi, Im new to the forum and I am really enjoying all the information on your site Mike. I am hoping that Santa will bring me your book for x-mas and if not then I will be getting myself. I have my first competition on Jan 10th so I am in no rush to be changing my training until after that but your training has spa...
Nick Morneau
box squat comapred to back squat weights help
1 2
Hi, I raw back squat to depth (belt and wraps) 200kgx3 with 1 more to spare maybe, however today I tried totally raw box squat no belt or wraps, to a box well below parallel, and managed 140kg for a tough single, after 130kg x3, all with pauses. Does this mean I have a totally raw weakness, I would say I need t...