Mike, I've just started read your book. I liked WSB training and, like you, have always been interested in the higher-volume training ala Sheiko. Anyway, I also train for strongman. How would you work this into the RTS programs? Thanks!
I'm a big fan of having justification for everything you do, so I can't say "just throw it in here and hope it all works out". What I've thought of doing before (and even implemented to a very, very small degree) is setting up a template designed for strongman work. Then, you just need to determine some ways of modifying the other RTS principles to fit. For example, RPE is gonna be hard to judge for a Farmer's Walk, but I'm sure you can figure it out. Same for Fatigue Percents. So some time and a lot of effort and creativity and you can probably figure out the base system.
Programming and overall strategy of work for Strongman is a bit more difficult. Because each meet changes so much, you want to spend most of your time in a General Prep phase. When the show is getting close, then you want to switch it up and be specific. And cycling is so different, too, because you're not automatically going for a 1RM. If it's strength endurance that you need, your training weights need to undulate above and below contest weight. Same with your time under tension. As you can see, it gets to be a complicated process, but hopefully there's enough here to get you started.