I picked out my exercises for the program but I am having trouble putting them together. I don't know whether to do a 3 or 4 day per week program. Here is my exercise selection
-Suit squats, Raw squat variation- Low box squat, Squat supplement- pause squat or high bar squat -DL assist- Reverse band dl, DL variation- dl off plates, DL supplement- Good morning -Main raw bench- pause bench, Raw assist- close grip, shoulders- push press, main lockout-shirted bench, lockout assist- reverse band bench, lockout supplement- tricep extension
Well those are my exercises, I am just having trouble trying to figure out how to put them together for a program... any suggestions??
You could work from the template in the book... That's pretty laid-out. Other than that, there's a lot that goes into a 3 day or 4 day per week determination. But most people can handle the kind of template in the book. I'd start there if I were you.