I recently started the RTS as in like yesterday and I liked the system very much. I'm starting to get a better grasp on how to do the RPE system. I don't plan on doing the fatigue stops quite yet until I fully grasp the RPE system. The book is very advanced.
Ok so yesterday was Tuesday 1/27 Raw Bench: Bench with 90lbs chains to a foam roller to let it sink in. Bar Bar+Chains 135+chains 225+chainsx3-7 275+chainsx1-8 315+chainsx2-8 335+chainsx1-10 Now this is where I messed up and did a Westside principal and went up again. I realized after when I talked with my training partner who also has been reading RTS told me i should have stopped.
365+chainsx1xassisted at half- inch from lockoutxfailed{I know it's right there, just lock it out, but it happens} I should had stayed with the 335+chains and did 3x1 or 4x1 or 5x1 But I'm still learning.
J presses- bar+chainsx10-7 65+chainsx8-8 85+chainsx8x3-10 It was a 10 rpe because I was going to fatigue because I didn't quite understand the movement, it's pretty awkward.
Over Head presses 95x15-7 135x10-9
Side Obliques 2x20 each side 50 lbs-8
I was a little upset that I didn't get the 365+chains, but I am starting to realize that the intensity phase calls for a 9/10 RPE and i should be able to say I had one more rep or know to stay with that weight for singles. I also didn't feel very well considering I had a really bad headache and getting in the zen mode wasn't happening.
Alright second day of RTS. Got the hang of the RPE system.
Today was a squat day. I ruptured my L5-S1 disk in December so I havent been able to hit the squats for awhile so its not what I used to be at at all. But it was something.
Front squats to a low box.
Bar for 2 sets
Single leg curls
50 lbs in each hand 8 steps then turn and 8 steps back.
1 set-7
2 set-8.5
3 set-9
Reverse Hypers
Not a bad day for not squating in a lonnnnnnnnng time.
2/2/09 Reverse Band average 100 of bottom 30 of top to 2 bd- RAW 135x10x2 225x3 315x3 405x2 495x2-8 545x1-10
Reverse band safety squat bar front squats speed work 315x2x5 275x2x1
3bd plus half foam roller- raw bench 325x4x1-8 385x3x1-10- I was already very tired at this point, I was supposed to go to 435 after but was to tired so I decided to get my reps. 365x4x5-8
2/3/09- We were supposed to train Sunday and Tuesday but instead did Monday and Tuesday Pullups- Can't do deadlifts yet because of my back. BW-10 BW-10 BW-10 BW-8 BW-6