Having spent hours reading everything on here, the book and thinking about it a lot, I might be ready to start RTS...maybe! Couple of questions:
1) It ties in with my decision to get into equipment soon to start working at it. Not planning on competing in it for a while but just want to get started. Now, my current strength levels are 170k/100k/195k at 75-82.5k. Having spent a lot of time reading Sheiko, he would claim that I don't need any bands/chains or other things yet. Would it be fine to arrange the exercise slots as such:
Equipped Squat: Full Squat in equipment Raw Squat: Full Squat raw Supplemental Squat: raw reps with squat Primary Raw Bench: Paused Bench Raw Bench Assistance: Incline or close grip Shoulders: Military Press of some sort Main Deadlift: Deadlift (no equipment for this but when I do, put that in there). Deadlift Assist: Deadlift to knees, pull from pins or standing on blocks. Deadlift Supplement: raw reps with deadlift Main Lockout: Shirted Bench Lockout Assistance: Pin Press or Board Press (depending on who's in the gym). Triceps: Close Grip pin or board presses.
And just keep running this until I'm of much higher strength levels i.e CMS/MS? Putting in little tweaks perhaps? Bands just don't seem appealing when I've never even worn a shirt before!
2) Also, buying equipment, I'm looking at a titan centurion and an F6. I also hover between the 77k and 82.5k which size should I be looking at for the suit? Should I get their meet fit to start with and work in it for a couple of years before going to comp fit?
3) I'll still be training for raw comps for this year, I've got one tomorrow and then on the 31st of May. Is it a good idea to get out of the equipment in the cycle leading up to it?
Just want to ease my concerns about running equipped and raw at the same time... thanks in advance for your replies.
Your exercise selection well, you can do that if you want to. Hey, if you know thats what works, then go for it. I typically recommend some more assistance type work as well (think of it like the flies/GMs of sheiko programs, just a little more prominent). But its up to you though. If you decide to do this, let me know as Id be interested to know how it works for you. Regarding suits and sizes I cant really help you much there. Id call whoever youre buying from and get their help. Id get competition fit, though, as even then, the suit will stretch out. Getting comp fit will allow you to get better use from it. And as you can see from my training, when I train for both raw and equipped meets, I continue to do both raw and equipped lifts. You might need to change the order slightly, though (just so the primary emphasis is on your next meet). Hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything further!
Thanks very much for your response Mike, I really appreciate all the help you give.
I LOVE Good Mornings and have had great gains from hammering them with Sheiko but from reading the manaul etc I just couldn't understand where to put them? Which slots would you substitute this for? Or does it go on top?
I guess what I was saying is I don't feel ready for bands/chains etc yet or any partial movements as I'm still getting stronger from full range and feel the benefit of it.
I'd also like to do pullups and pressups a lot as I have some scapular issues. Should I do these at the end of the session?
Spent another few hours in research tonight ready to get started next week. Day 1 will be off because I'm going to go to a different gym to try out some equipment, but never mind there's 64 sessions in this cycle so 1 shouldn't break the bank here!
I've decided upon going through your logs with a toothcombe that I much prefer the setup in the early pages that has the bench/squats/deadlifts rotated as its a)what I'm used to working with and b)will allow me to perform better in all exercises from experience. So its going to look like this overall:
Day 1:
Raw Squat Lockout Assist: probably rack lockouts Good Mornings Pressups Abs
Close Grip Bench Low Rack Deadlifts Close Grip Board Work/Rack Lockouts depending on who's in the gym! Pressups Chinups
The only thing I'm not so happy about is only getting to practice my raw bench once per week but to be honest, there's lots of other bench type work going on in there so it should be ok. I'm going to try it and see what happens then adjust from there. The first couple of weeks are going to be a bit shaky until I get hold of the equipment and adjust to it but this is what I'm going for exercise selection wise.
One question I have relates to uni-directional loading. I know I'm supposed to run with complex loading to start with and start implementing uni-directional once my gains start slowing but I'm very aware that my next competition is raw on May 31st. Therefore, I want to be getting used to the gear for this cycle, not killing myself on the shirted bench my work capacity for the raw bench for example. I'm not sure it counts as uni-directional loading but what I'm saying is I want to put more emphasis on the raw competition lifts than the equipped ones at the moment. Is there a way of accounting this into a programme that is based off fatigue stops rather than percentages? Otherwise I may see that I'm due to do tripples in my geared squat and because I'm getting stronger in that have a great session and burn out for my raw work for example.
Are my concerns justified or am I missing something? :)
Put your Raw Bench in Day 4, Slot 1. Put Close Grips in Day 3, Slot 2. After that, you should be fine. Remember Raw/Geared lifts aren't exclusive to one another -- training one will help the other to a significant degree. I don't think you'll need any greater emphasis on raw lifts. You're already emphasizing the raw lifts (for the most part) based on where they are in your weekly cycle.
Also, I don't think the geared stuff will affect your raw lifts. It will depend on your recovery rate, but in my experience, it doesn't take any longer to recover from gear work than it does from raw work. Try it and see if you feel recovered. If you don't, then make an adjustment. But if I had to bet, I'd bet you'll be fine.