I thought I understood this as being a difference in distance traveled and amount of knee bend but lately from videos I've seen I'm not sure anymore. What is the difference between romanian deads and stiff legs?
- Stiff Legs start from the ground and are in a nutshell a deadlift that is performed with your legs straight (perhaps miniscule bend). It is a "dead lift"
- Romanians start at the top (even if you have to begin by pulling it off the floor). You as well keep your legs straight (perhaps with miniscule bend). You arch your lower back, stick your ass back, your gut forward, and go down as far as you can while still maintaining the same arch in the back. Bar stays very close to body at all times. Due to hamstring flexibility you probably will not be touching the floor without loosing the arch in lower back (unless you are some crazy flexible romanian olympic weightlifter, and then you would do these standing elevated so the bar does not touch the floor). It is a "pre loaded lift".
im a conventional deadlifter, when i deadlift, i grab the bar drop the hips and pull
When i do my stiff legs i always pause on the floor between reps, i just keep my hips real high and my back rounded ( i dont go heavy on these, maybe 65% for sets of 5 tops beltless)....
For RDL's i arch my back real hard, and never actually bend down, i just stick my butt out further and further back, keep the bar close to the body and actually my toes come off the ground, but i only get to about 3-4 inches below the knee and than i come back up to the top with it?