Monday - TEST and 80% average EQ Bench Press up to 95% x1
Went up pretty well...the shirt wasn't jacked up very much either. This is a good sign. Good enough that I can go for the win if I have to at Worlds.
2 Board Press 385 x4 @7 420 x4 @8 455 x5 @9
CG Bench Press 360 x3 @7 385 x3 @7.5 410 x3 @8
Got a lot of momentum now. All I need to do is focus on the contest. Visualizations. Hitting another decent 80% avg. workout, deload, cut a little weight...the contest is here! I feel very good physically. Never felt so strong before. It's a mental game from here on out. I need to focus on the goal.
Had a really good time at Worlds. Got 6th place and ended with a 611 second attempt. I felt really strong, but my gear didn't fit properly. I put my shirt on by myself in about 10 seconds. And I took it off in even less time. I went for the Gold on my last attempt and was about 3 inches from locking it out. Frustrating because I have doubled 640 before. Oh well. I made some mistakes that I won't make again. I have no regrets about how I lifted.
Good news though. Team USA won team GOLD!!!!! It was a great experience that will only make me a more effective lifter. I got to lift alongside a lot of my heros.
Monday - Bench / Squat / ABS Equipped Reverse Band Press - new stock super katana 50 blue 455 x6 @6 495 x5 @7 535 x8 @7 535 x8 @8
Raw Box Squat - no belt 225 x5 @6 315 x5 @7 405 x5 @8
ABS x3x15
Trying even more frequency for a few weeks. I will be spreading out everything between 6 days instead of 4.
From 6th to gold with only 29 pounds seperating you. Sounds like a good competition! Good work man. Awesome to hear you had a great time on your trip, and that 611 is still pretty nasty!
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Hey thanks a lot guys. Mike...there is no way in hell I'd have gotten there without you. Thank you very much. I look forward to making another world team and going for that Gold Medal. I want redemption!
Very Easy trying to train the upper body 6x per week. Very interesting so far. I feel great! I'll keep going for a couple more weeks. I am liking it. However that may change as the intensity rises. We'll see.
I just got another Super Katana stock 48 that I'll try. I've been lifting with 50s for a very long time, but most guys in my class at worlds were wearing tighter shirts than I was. I could swim in mine. Really curious to try a tight one out!
Super CLose Grip Bench Press off pins with weight releasers 300 x4 @7 325 x4 @7 345 x7 @7.5 345 x4 @7 325 x4 @7 300 x4 @7
SLDL - off plate - no belt 245 x6 @7 335 x9 @8
Rotators x3x15
I almost forgot to mention that this was the first time that I've ever trained with my brother Rob. This has really got me excited about training with him.
-- Edited by Brady Stewart on Wednesday 17th of June 2009 01:56:33 AM