Once again, crazy pressing. I was going to ask you, do you feel that reverse band is turning over to your shirted press a lot, or are you still in the testing phases? I was curious because I was think of doing reverse as well but I was unsure of what the turnover was going to be, since I have never seen anyone else do equipped reverse.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Once again, crazy pressing. I was going to ask you, do you feel that reverse band is turning over to your shirted press a lot, or are you still in the testing phases? I was curious because I was think of doing reverse as well but I was unsure of what the turnover was going to be, since I have never seen anyone else do equipped reverse.
Thanks a lot Jordan!
Well, I do think that there will be a carry over. What exactly that is, at the moment is unknown. I am still considering this more of a test exercise.
How I have the bands set up is very important. The way they are set up is that the bands aren't taking anything off at lockout. In other words, whatever is on the bar is what you are holding in your hands. At chest level, the bands are taking off 130lbs. So 600 is really 600 at the top and 470 at the bottom. It is teaching me to touch lighter weights and locking out heavier ones. It is much easier than standard pressing in a shirt, but offers a great variation of the exercise.
I am also using a stretched out shirt that I've done easily 400 reps in, so when I do get a tighter shirt on, I should be pretty good to press out something big.
Let me know if I've answered your question or not. And if you have others, just ask away!
Next time, I'll tape it for you so you can see how I got it set up.
Close Grip MIO ISOs 365 x3 @8 400 x3 @9...12lbs PR 400 x3 @10...knew I should have done 2...oh well 370 x3 @8 370 x3 @9
Raw Squat - no belt 315 x5 @6 385 x5 @7 455 x9 @9...PR...I've finally caught up with my belted squat from the arnold classic
Standing Fat Bar Military Press 55k x8 @7 65k x8 @7 75k x8 @8 just getting used to this movement
WOW, what can I say? The MIO ISOs are getting much much stronger. That was a 12lb PR and a good set. Another great indicator that my bench press is going steadily up. The raw squat without a belt was another strong exercise. I've never had that much raw strength in the squat. So I am knocking on the door of 600 beltless within the next few weeks. Good news is that Nick Underwood said that I was probably right at parallel or slightly above, which is still an improvement for me.
I just hope that these heavy squats translate into a bigger deadlift once I start going heavier on those. I am only going to go up to 455 for a couple sets of 5 on friday/saturday. Still not ready to trust the deadlift 100%. I'd rather ease into them and not aggravate my back.
Raw 1 Board Press 395 x3 @7.5 430 x3 @8 460 x4 @10...almost a PR. 430 x4 @9 430 x5 @10
200lbs CG Chain Press I don't remember the weights...I think I worked up to 295 x3@10...it was way too heavy.
Raw Deadlift up to 455 x5 @7-7.5
I had a ton of car trouble friday. I have a chunk out of my saturns engine block, so I manned up and bought a 2007 Chevy Silverado LT z71 4x4 Crew Cab truck.
Super Close Grip Bench Press 225 x8 @7 295 x6 @7 355 x8 @8.5
Not bad considering that I did more work than normal on the saturday before. I've been busy as hell this past weekend. I have some videos that I'll post up here soon.
Jordan, on a couple of the videos, it shows how I set the bands up for the reverse band press.
Seated Fat Bar Military Press 35k x8 @7 55k x8 @8 75k x8 @10
Not really any PRs today, but that is alright as this week is a very high stress week after last weeks high stress. I half expect to not get any PRs, but I did feel pretty good today.
I ordered 1400#s of IVANKO weights and they arrived today. I feel like a kid opeing his first present. So, I took them from the garage into the house and down the basement. I'll count that as a GPP workout.
Super Close Grip Bench Press 225 x6 @6 315 x6 @7.5 385 x6 @9 ...15lb PR
Good training session tonight. I am really tired and hungry though. The bodyweight is coming down (which is a good thing) and I am maintaining strength. Good PR on the super close grip bench. Felt pretty good.