Awesome job Brian! Only question I have is about your second dead. I watched the vid and paused it and it seems as if you got 2 whites on it. Did they change it on you after the fact and reject it? Nice lifting!
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Thanks Jordan. I guess they must have changed their mind on my second pull because when I looked over a few seconds after finishing the lift I saw two reds. I asked the judge what happened and he said that I dropped the bar before I got the down command. I probably would have called it a day after my second pull anyways just because it felt like someone was driving a spike into my lower back.
Good work, especially considering your back pain. I know how tough it is to work through something like that in training. Can't imagine competing and powering through it!
Thanks everyone. I'm pumped to get back in the gym and start hitting it hard again. Jordan pulling an easy 750, Mike pulling 860?! I need to really crank it up.
Not much to write about. Just trying to get some blood flowing. Going to get back at it on Wednesday.
Pause Bench. 5 warm up sets. 275 x 3 @ 8 275 x 3 @ 8 275 x 3 @ 8 275 x 3 @ 8 275 x 3 @ 8 275 x 6 @ 9 (1rep PR)
Incline Bench. 1 warm up set. 160 x 5 185 x 5 210 x 10
Dips. bw x 15 x 4
Chins. bw x 10 x 3
How the hell I missed 325 at the meet is a mystery to me. Maybe I need to do more work at 90+ percent. Something to think about definately. Great day back benching at any rate. Not sure what I'm going to do about pulling on Friday with my back being the way it is. I've bit the bullet and dropped my maxes way back on my squat and pull though, so Maybe I'll just gut it out and deal with the pain. Chiro is closed until after the 4th, so I'll just live with it until then.
Fail. Was hoping to do deadlifts today, but that didn't work out as planned. I did about 30 minutes of warming up and stretching trying to get my back loosened up. I was doing this butterfly position groin/low back stretch when I got this strange sensation in my back. It felt like my lower vetibrae popped apart, and I felt this fluid rushing in. Needless to say this was unnerving, but after it happened I felt pretty good, so I figured, what the hell, I might as well pull. I went to warm up and on the second rep with 135 I felt the same pop in the lower back that I felt when I first hurt it. Almost like something is shifting out of position. So, I went back to stretching for another 30 minutes. While stretching, I can occasionally get my low back to "pop" into position, but once I release the stretch it goes back to being screwed up. Its not much fun, because it happens very quickly, and it feels very strange. At this point, I think I'm just going to take it easy until I can get to the chiropractor early next week. I also biked 17 this morning. Happy 4th.
I had my girlfriend, whos in her last year of clinicals for physical therapy, do an assesment on my back, and she said its probably a ruptured disc or spindylolithesis (sp?), which would basically be if my upper vertebrae shifted forward in relation to my lower vertebrae, or it could be a combination of the two. I also talked to Wade this morning, and described to him what it felt like, and he said that is exactly what happened to him when he suffered a herniated disc from pulling. He also said he did a ton of heavy reverse hypers, and ended up pulling a PR when he came back. I'll probably try to get a physician appt sometime early this week so I can get a referal for an MRI. Still, I doubt they are going to tell me anything I don't allready know, but better safe than sorry. I figure as long as I stay away from any heavy spinal loading for the next few weeks, I should be back better than before in no time.
Prowler Push (walking pace - high handles) 2 plates x 5 trips (60 yards = 1 trip)
Reverse Hyper. 2 plates x 15 x 3
Back Raise (on glute ham machine) bw x 20,15,15
Hanging Leg Raise (knees to elbows) bw x 5 x 5
Decline Sit ups. bw x 15 x 3
Chest supported rows. 90 x 10 180 x 10 x 2
Actually felt like I got some decent work done today. I think the plan for the next 4 weeks or so will break down something like this:
1) General warm up 2) Low back work 3) Core strength work 4) Upper or Lower body work (depending on the day) 5) Stretch
I went a little overboard on the warm up, and low back/ab work today, thus not having much energy to do upper body work, but I have a decent idea now of how I want my schedule to look.
I think everything that KK did that day was impressive. Squatting 725 lighter than an opener, closegrip pausing 550 with loads left in the tank, then pulling 939. Absolutely sick! When he pulls with a suit and belt he will dethrone Andy.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
I went to the doctor today and he said that I probably don't have a herniated disc. Of course, his assesment was based on the fact that I could touch my toes without much pain, and that I have a decent amount of strength and flexibility in the area so, whatever. He told me to take some asprin over the next 10 days and stay away from deadlifting. He said I could get an MRI if I wanted, but at this point, I just don't care. As an brief rant, the last time I went to the doctor was when I broke my ankle. The first doctor I went to told me I was fine, as did the second. Finally, the third doctor sent me to get an MRI, and which point, I was told I broke my ankle. The degree to which my back is ****ed doesn't matter much at this point. I know it hurts to deadlift, but I can squat and bench just fine, so I'll keep on squatting and benching, and do whatever it takes to rehab my back, and strengthen my core, so as to prevent future problems, and get my deadlift back stronger than ever.
Squat (no belt). 135 x 5 185 x 5 225 x 3 275 x 3 315 x 3 @ 7 355 x 3 @ 7 375 x 3 @ 8 400 x 3 @ 9
Reverse Hyper. 4 plates x 15 x 3
Ab roll outs (from knees). bw x 3 x 10
Side planks. bw x 30 sec
Truly I wasn't expecting much today, so I was happy with how things turned out. I was hoping for 4 reps on the last set, which would have been a big PR, but on the 3rd rep my back rounded and I figured maybe it wouldn't be smart to grind out another rep. Still, I was only 5 pounds off my best beltless 3 rep PR, so it wasn't all bad. I felt better leaving the gym than when I came in, so something must be going right.
Didn't feel that great benching today, but I guess they can't all be great days. As I was finishing up, Mike was coming in to do some assistance work, which turned into me doing his workout in addition to mine. This ended with me laying face down in the parking lot gasping for air as my forearms uncontrollably cramped up. Good times were had by all.