Deadlift 135 for 3 245 for 2 335 for 2 425 for 1 515 for 1
A lack of warm ups combined with squatting 2 days ago certainly wasn't advantageous for my deadlift, but it was good to be back lifting with Mike and Wade.
Reverse Hypers 4 plates for 1000000
I probably did about 6-8 sets throughout the workout because my back was so sore/tight.
"Speed" pulls on JS platform against doubled monster minis 135 for 3 135 for 3 185 for 2 185 for 2 185 for 2
I use the term "speed" loosely because the lockout on these was very slow. I don't think I've ever done speed pulls against the monster minis before.
Low box squat 135 for 2 225 for 2 225 for 2 275 for 2
I haven't box squatted in a while, let alone low box. It was a sad moment in my life. Hip strength/flexability was terrible. I had absolutely nothing coming off the box. As soon as I dipped below parallel and sat on that box, it was like I was glued there. Good news is I see lots more of these in my future.
Decline sit ups bw+25 for 3 sets of 10 reps
Wade had a pretty good day pulling 605. Not too shabby for the big man. Mike on the other hand was about 2 steps from jumping off a cliff after missing 750, but we all know he has it in him. Mike, you better not stop posting again for 3 weeks just because you missed one lift.
Bench - 2 Board 135 + 120lbs chain for 3 reps 185 + 120lbs chain for 3 reps 205 + 120lbs chain for 2 reps 225 + 120lbs chain for 1 rep 245 + 120lbs chain for 1 rep 265 + 120lbs chain for 1 rep 275 + 120lbs chain for 1 rep
Today was a welcome surprise after underperforming in the squat and deadlift this week. I haven't done any flat pressing of any kind in 6 weeks so I'll take what I can get. The chains only half deloaded, so at the bottom, I was still looking at 335 off a 2 board, which would tie my PR for that, and the 395 at the top felt solid. It's funny, but this is the second time I've taken a long break from flat pressing due to injury, only to come back and set a PR on the first day. I think I can use this information to better structure my bench workouts.
DB Bench 80 for 10 reps 85 for 10 reps 90 for 10 reps 95 for 10 reps
Tate press 30 for 10 35 for 10 40 for 10 45 for 10
Band push downs Light band for 25 Light+mini band for 12 Light band for 30
Chest supported rows 2 plates for 10 reps 4 plates for 10 reps 6 plates for 10 reps
Close grip pull downs 60 for 3 sets of 10 reps
Wide grip pull downs 2 plates for 10 reps 2 plates & quarters for 2 sets of 10 reps
Rack pulls just below the knee against monster minis 135 for 3 reps 225 for 3 reps 315 for 2 reps 405 for 1 reps 455 for 1 rep 495 for 1 rep
Saftey bar low box squats 135 for 5 reps 185 for 5 reps 205 for 5 reps
Doooooone. Tweaked my lat doing the deadlift and then really jacked it up doing the squats. Feels like someone is driving a railroad spike into my right lat/spinal erector. Not a bad day though. Mike pulled 705 plus the monster minis. I thought the bar was going to snap. Time to stretch.
Seated DB press 60s for 10 reps 65s for 7 reps 70s for 6 reps 75s for 5 reps
DB tricep extensions worked up to 40s for 10
Push downs worked up to 60lbs + mini for 12
Chest supported rows worked up to 6 plates for 10
DB shrugs worked up to 100s for 20
Pretty happy with the way things went today, considering my lat is still not 100%. Felt a hell of alot better than it did on Sunday night though. Not sure if I'll be able to deadlift on thursday, but as they say, you won't know unless you try.
Low box squat against avg bands. Did 6 sets of 2 reps with 225 then worked up to 315 for 2 reps.
Sumo deadlift. Did 6 singles at 405.
Ukrainian deadlift. Did 3 sets of 20 reps with 3 plates.
Reverse Hyper 2 sets of 10 reps with 6 plates.
I was glad I was able to pull without pain today. This was the first time pulling sumo in a long time. The Ukrainian deadlifts were a first. Really works your glutes, hips, and inner thigh. I was pretty much spent after these.
Dish-towel bench. Worked up to 325 for 1. Wanted to get a double with this but I couldn't stay tight for 2 reps.
Bench with kettle bells hanging from mini bands Worked up to 195 + two 35lb kettle bells for 6 reps
Kettle bell tricep extension Worked up to 35lb kettle bells + mini band behind back
Pull downs Worked up to 230 for 6 reps
Kettle bell side raises Worked up to 20lb kettle bells + micro band for 8 reps
This was an interesting workout to say the least. The dish-towel bench consisted of taking a used dish towel, rolling it up, and sticking it under your shirt. It was maybe 2 inches in diameter, and when compressed, took off about .001 inches from your normal bench. The kettle bell bench with the mini bands was just an excuse to use the new kettle bells that we got. Still, I don't think I've ever benched 265lbs for 6 reps, let alone with 70 pounds coming from swinging kettle bells. Must be the magic of the bells.
Seated Bench. Did a few sets of 2 with 175, 185, and 195 then worked up to a single with 205.
Incline DB bench. 3 sets of 10 reps with 80s
One arm DB rows 3 sets of 10 reps with 100s
Various grip chin ups bw for 3 sets of 10 reps
Dips bw for 3 sets of 25 reps
Push downs 3 sets of 10 reps with 50lbs
Band pull aparts 3 sets of 20 reps with light band
Sit ups bw for 3 sets of 20 reps
I was really pressed for time today so I tried to keep the pace fast. Total training time was only 45 min, so I had quite a pump going. I was a little disappointed with the seated press, as I thought I might go for 225, but after 205, I knew it wasn't in the cards. Felt good to take a break from flat pressing though.
Squat off low box against avg bands. Did 6 doubles at 275 then worked up to a double at 365.
Sumo speed pulls. Did a bunch of singles at 415.
Had to leave for a meeting after this. It's been a pretty busy week, so hopefully next week things will be back to normal. Made a 50lb jump in the squats from before, but I was probably sandbaggin' it last week. When you train with big ogres, that's what you have to do.
Bench with 35lb kettle bells hanging on minis. 3 sets of 10 reps with 135.
Decline skull crushers. 105 for 3 sets of 8 reps.
Face pulls. 50 lbs for 3 sets of 20 reps.
Hammer curls. 40s for 3 sets of 10 reps.
Decline sit ups. bw + 25 for 3 sets of 12 reps.
Not a bad day. I think the bench might be a PR. Still felt as sore and loose as a drunkin prostitute. I need to lay off the flat pressing for a bit and do more incline and overhead work with lighter weights.