Would it be a bad idea to pick 2 exercises to do for each body plane movement and alternate the through the volume and intensity blocks?
An example would be.. Volume block Week 1 - Squat/lockout bench Day 1. box squat - st weight 2. 5 board press - st weight Week 2 - Squat/lockout bench day 1. box squat - reverse minis 2. 5 board press w/doubled minis
My question for asking is i very much like the used of triples @ 9 during a volume block, if i went down to doubles i think i'd get to heavy for a volume block and who likes 4's?? lol. And i'm also a westside guy and used to changing exercises each week. So would it be a bad idea to alternate exercises each week to give you a little different stimulus? It ould most likely be a small change in accomodating resistance, not a complete change of exercise. So i would work up to a triple @ 9 each week and then let my fatigue percents manipulate the overal volume and after intensity depending on whether the stress of the week is high, medium, low, etc.
No, that's not a bad idea and at some point that becomes beneficial. I'm not sure when exactly, but if you're thinking about it already, it's probably a good time to try it out.
But don't just do triples @9 for the whole volume block. I know you were joking, but do x4's once in a while. Also, don't be afraid to go to doubles occasionally during your volume block.