Hey Mike- I'm currently squatting in a centurion. I've got about 20 full ME squats in it. What do you think about the dual quad? Is is THAT much better than the centurion with a wide stance? I have a stance slightly wider than shoulder width. I'm also using a Rage X bench. Pretty happy with the results. Have you tried both the Katana and Rage X and do you think one outperformes the other?
I wear lose titan ngx dual quad boxer briefs in training every week, and compete with a titan centurion suit. I would say the briefs when super tight are very good and better than the centurion suit, thats me personally.
I havent worn inzer equipment, but my training partners wear Katana bench shirt, and one is the current world champion. At the moment I wear a titan f6, but katana is a better shirt as its got a better grove.
Rage K shirt has been used to set many records in, so its all a choice, in my opinion shirts are similar to each other, you just have to get use to it and find out which one you like more as its a personal choice.
First of all, a Dual Quad is a custom Centurion. Same cut, same material, same design. Just one is stock and one is custom. So if you like the centurion, would you like it better if it fit you better (i.e. custom)?
I would call and ask about ths stance part of it. My feeling is that if you're just outside of shoulder width, you could still use the regular stance. My stance sounds like it's wider than yours, and I still use the regular stance.
My personal feelings on the shirts... I've tried the Rage X and the F6 side by side and I couldn't really tell a difference. Then I tried the Katana and it was a dramatic improvement over the F6. So in my mind, I'd go with a katana (especially the new Super Katana) over a Rage X if you're looking for unadulterated shirt power. If you need something with a bit more learning curve, I'd go with a F6 or a Rage X.