1 arm standing DB push press (just paying around) 40's x 4 60's x 4 80's x 4 100's x 2 120's x 2 135's x 0 Man that is hard to balance and lift. I have a lot of respect for people using the inch or circus dumbbells for this.
I did 6 hours of yardwork today in the heat and was bagged. I starting training and decided I was going to go enjoy the sun so i skipped out and went back home. My work annual shutdown is finally over so I am back on shift so I can resume my normal training days.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Good workout today. Had to be quick since I worked today. Warmed up, lifted and got out in 67 minutes. I was sweating pretty good. 440 was really heavy on the back (640+ at top) but it went surprisingly well. Core has really strengthened since last week. No more time to write. Out of coffee in the house. GOTTA GO SHOPPING.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Raw bench: x1@9+ 275x1@7 315x1@7 345x1@8ish 375x1@8.75 405x1@10 Full out. Very glad I still had it but I honestly dont think I had 1 ounce left in me.
Good day. Still far off from my previous raw presses but it is climbing so I will take it. I still have no pop off of my chest. Even 315 was slow off of the chest. Sun is coming out so no more time to write.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Got a lot of stuff to do today as well, so not much time to write stuff.
Deadlifts Hang deads (Experimenting) 225x3 315x3 405x3 500x1 585x1 Did not have someone to pull the safety bars back so i had to step this out. Heavy as I was able to walk with.
Deadlifts off of floor. 500x1 585x1@7.5 660x1@8.75 ripped a monster chunk out of my hand where there isnt a callous. Kills. 710xM Had to use straps and this destroyed the lift from the beginning. Straps turn my rep into a completely different pull. Much deeper start, bent over a lot more as well. Still had it close. With my hand fine it wouldn't have been an issue for a Pr.
Damn Jordan 200X1 on curls is beast! Most I ever got was 175X1. I kinda did a swinging motion too so I wouldnt count it. You gotta get to 225, youre almost there. Take it easy brother. Thanks for the reply on my supplements question too. Impressive DLs as well.
Mike G, Is 225 some sort of landmark for curls or is it just a goal you were trying to get too? Just curious. I seen some people doing strict curls online in comps so I thought maybe 225 was what was considered good.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Oh about the 225 for curls. I think it just looks cool because its two 45 plates on each side. I've only seen 1 person do it at my gym. The guy used a lot of back, he since passed away. That was like 4 years ago I think. He used to call himself "King of Curls". This other guy whos 32 almost got it last summer but couldnt lock it all the way out at the top. He lost like 30+ pounds and a ton of strength so no way he could do that now. Guess that leaves me to have to do it :)
Equipped bench 225x3 275x2 315x2 Shirt on 405x1 455x1 475x1 500x1 Paused and pressed. 525x1 Paused and pressed. Pr! 475x1- Finally touched this weight.
Raw press 225x1 315x1 365x1@7.5 +35 outside and hotter in gym. Going lighter and getting out of here. 315x8@8 315x8@8
I am getting a little annoyed at how unmotivated I am. I sued to go to the gym looking for blood, now I can't even get mildly pumped up. I don't know what little phase I am going through with lifting, but I hope it ends fast. I might try some ECA or something to help rev me up.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
believe me man, ive been through this plenty of times. it is hard to get motivated big time for something where there just isn't a big return at all for unless your a complete genetic freak or roided up outa your mind.
just switch it up alot. flip your training upside down from what it is. do something fun with your training instead of the same old stuff. thats when i have motivation to lift. just go into the gym and be like..hmm maybe ill go squat 405 for 10 today, or 315 for 20.. maybe ill try a 50 rep deadlift that might be fun... when you are looking for motivation, this is what works best from what i've found.
Thanks for the advice Andrew. I think you're right. I will still do things that will help me progress in the sport, but maybe I will just change things up and add new excercises to perhaps make it a little more enjoyable for the time being.
Belted deadlifts x whatever. 225x3 315x3 405x2 500x1@7 585x1@7 Feelin good. 675x1@8.5 Pr. 715x1@9.5 Pr! I think this could've been @9... read below.
Front squats 135x5 185x3 225x3 Already feel better than they ever have. 275x3 315x3@8 Pr 365x3@9.5 Pr 405x1@9.5 Pr! Wow. Last time I was basically stuck at 345x1 full out.
Bi's for the guys Barbell curls. 135x5@7 155x3 175x2 205x1 225x1 cheat curled a bit. Heavy as **** though. Just wanted to see if I could cheat it up.
DB hammer curls 80's x 8@9
DB preacher curl 40's x 5 to stretch
DB preacher machine 120 pound stack x 8.
Deadlifts. Felt awesome today. I think I could have went 740ish belt only if my hands were in better condition. When I was pulling the 715, the torn callous that I had ripped again half way through the rep and I almost lost the bar. That made the rep twice as hard. Time to get a manicure. As gay as it sounds, I would rather get my hands cleaned up and lift, than have every excuse in the book to not be able to train properly.
Front squats- My core has never felt so solid (have slacked on core for months...!!?) and it was almost like the bar was behind me instead of infront of me. 405 was heavy and solid. Every rep was complete ATG, no half squat crap. I think it would be a cool goal to eventually try to front 500 pounds.
Did some biceps again because my bench shirt is much more supportive just from putting .5" on my arms. I think If I can add another .5" then my shirt will hold properly and perform the way I want it too.
-Actually enjoyed myself in there for once. Been a long time to be able to say that.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.