Medium grip press: +68C 3x3@9-10 275x3@9 280x3@9.5 9.44 pound Pr. 285x3@10 Pr
Dumbbell shoulder press 100's x 12@9 Pr 100's x 8@9 100'sx7@9.5
Pullups BW X 10,10,10
Bench wasnt great today. Just got off of nightshifts and had 6 hours of sleep after being up for 22 hours, so i was bagged. No excuse though since my bench sucks even on a good day.
Medium grip was better. Got a good pr.
Shoulders were stronger again today. Wanted to do more than 8 reps with the 100 pound dumbbells today so I got 12 with a rep or two left. I did the normal 4 set volume, in 3 sets.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Satisfying day today! I was not going to use to 5x1 Protocol this time, but after last week I felt like i had a poor performance pulling 615x1@10, and today proved it with the 660@10. After hitting 585, i went right to 640 with confidence followed by 660. 700 here we come.
Squats: 5 pound pr. Bar felt heavy on the back. Glad to get a pr out of todays session.
RDL. Just like with the deads, I had really good pop off of the bottom. Hams and glutes are really getting stronger at a fast pace.
Barbell curls: Since i started training RTS style, my elbows have been KILLING me. I have been using elbow sleeves on all squat excercises to try to keep them supported and warm, but it doesnt feel like enough sometimes. I did some light biceps last week to try to stretch my elbows out and it worked. I have had zero pain so I am going to continue to do biceps as a precautionary movement to stop further injuries. I swear.... it has nothing to do with losing 1.5 inches on my arms since starting this.... nothing!!
-- Edited by JordanLinteris at 01:03, 2008-11-11
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Pr's on everything today. Rack lockouts have went from 315x4, to 405x4 in 4 weeks. Hopefully this turns over appropriately on bench. Very confident i could have set a good pr on reverse band bench for a single today. Going to use singles for my final week coming up to see if I can keep these gains flowing.
-- Edited by JordanLinteris at 01:58, 2008-11-16
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Beltless squat: +200B x1@9-10 365x1@8 405x1@8 430x1@9 Pr! Got 425 last day of doing sinlges with ZERO left in me. 440x1@9.5 15 pound Pr 450x1@9.5 25 pound Pr!
Beltess deads on 45 pound plate: x1@9-10 475x1@8 500x1@8 565x1@9.5 5 pound Pr 570x1@10 10 Pound Pr.
Short on time again. Not much time to write. Pretty obvious though that I am happy with todays results. Way above what I had planned. Squats have been for 5 minimum, but I haaaad to see if I could squat 500 raw at the end of the workout. Curiousity killed the cat i guess. Went pretty easily. 3 more workouts and then it is back to volume.
-- Edited by JordanLinteris at 01:12, 2008-11-16
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Dumbbell shoulder press 110's x 8@9 Pr! 120's x 2@10 Pr! 100's x 7 @9
Good training session today. Got some decent Pr's on everything again. I feel like I would have had a better bench and medium press day but my shoulders were aching. I had to lower the weights very slow to keep the pain in check. I have had a goal to use the 120's for shoulder press so to finally kick them up myself and do a few reps was a good pr. First time I have ever shoulder pressed dumbbells that weigh more than me combined. I should be keeping the reps up to atleast 5, but the volume cycle begins next week so I was be sure to follow the RTS rules.
-- Edited by JordanLinteris at 00:56, 2008-11-18
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Deadlifts: Trained with my buddy today. This helped because we can normally feed off of each others energy. 635x2 was great since I pulled 605x2@10 3 weeks ago. My bodybuilder friend pulled 660x2.... S.O.B!!
Rack squats: Weight is really moving nice and feeling pretty reasonable on the back. Should be a challenging excercise with the higher rep protocol.
RDL: Went right after my pr and got it.Felt heaaaaavy but it was smooth and clean. Was bleeding in three spots on my shins and I tore two spots on my hands today. Time for some big socks, and perhaps a manicure to remove these callouses.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Reverse band bench x1@9-10 365x1@7 405x1@8 435x1@8 455x1@9 475x1@10 PR
Floor press x1@9-10 315x1@7-8 345x1@8 365x1@8.5 380x1@9.5 Pr -I think I tore my outer pec again on this one. Lots of pain
Rack lockouts- SKIP
Barbell curls 135 x 9,8,7.
Pr's were flying today but I tore something in my chest again. This is the third time in the same spot. One side of my ribcage is half an inch higher that the other, so I get some unneccesary pull on my outer left pec which gets injured occasionally. I saw a sports doctor about it before and he aid unless I alter my ribcage (which is not going to happen!) then I am going to deal with this forever. Sucks ass. Hope i can still squat and pull.
MESOCYCLE 2 Volume cycle Day 1 of 12
Beltless Band squats:+200B 5x5@8-9 315x5@7-7.5 340x5@8 365x5@8 380x5@8.5 Pr
Reverse band deadlift: 5x5@8-9 Bands set at 5'8, I am 6'2. Only help for a foot and a half off of the ground. 405x5@7 495x5@8 585x5@8.5 635x2@8 Hands were just too sore to go on. I stopped at 2.
Olympic squat 405x5@8 405x5@8 405x5@8 405x5@8.5
Good workout today. Deads were strong and fast. My callouses were killing me so i will cut them off and take care of the problem. My comp died so i might be having bigs gaps in posting my logs.
Volume block Day 2 of 12
Bench- Rehab. Chest is sooore and definately injured. Only goal today was to stretch it out and get a lot of blood into the area.
30 minute warmup 275x5@7 275x5@7 Very controlled, slow negatives to be safe 225x10@7 225x15@7 225x17@8 225x10@7 Really good pump, time to move on.
Med press w/ chains -SKIP
Pec machine-3 high rep light sets.
Today was a pain. I hate dealing with my chest. Oh well. Gotta get my head in the game and pull some good weight tommorow. Gotta make up the extra weight on the squats and deads.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Box squat: 5x5@8-9 This box was 17' and was really deep for me. I am 6'2 with long legs. Long lanky legs.
315x5@7.5 335x5@8 355x5@8 365x5@8.5 380x5@9
Rack deadlifts-3 Inches below knees. 405x5@7 500x5@8 600x2@8 Strap snapped and I almost ripped my arm off. Probably looked pretty funny from others perspective.
Overload squat walkouts with 5 second hold. 405 495 585 675-I dont know how some individuals walk out over 900, let alone squat it!
Volume Day 4 of 12
Chest rehab again for torn pec. Idea was to fill area with blood and that was it. Bench press 15minute warmup 135x5 185x5 235x20@9 Crazy burn... dont know if the burn was good or bad. 225x12@7-8 225x12@8
Elbows out skull crushers. 68x10@5 108x10@7 158x6@9
2 arm overhead DB ext. 100x20@7.5 145x6@8
Good enough for the day. I would have trained triceps harder but my chest didnt feel great under the heavy skull crushers so I just kept all of the volume ultra high. Better than nothing I guess.
Boxsquats are going to be a staple for me for the next long while. I realiazed in a hurry how weak I really am out of the hole with this excercise when I remove the stretch reflex. A couple hard weeks with some chains and bands should get me moving on the right track.
-- Edited by JordanLinteris at 05:03, 2008-11-30
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Reverse band dead: 6x3@8-9 Band set at 5'8, I am 6'2. Little assistance. 495x3@Speed weight 585x3@8 635x3@8.5 Pr 645x3@9 Pr 585x3@8.5
Olympic squat 405x5@7.5 Pr for RPE 455X5@9 Big Pr. Last time trying 455 I got x3@10 500x3@9.5 Big Pr. Single last time. 405x8@9
Bandsquats- Really good day. Not sure if the single day of boxsquats or the heavy walkouts made a difference or if it is in my head. The weight felt light and easy today. I tested my bands today on squats by hooking a 100 lb dumbbell to the base of the band and it lifted it the dumbbell easily with the bar racked still (I lift it an additional 2-3") so I am guessing the band tension to be 240ish at the top. My 425x3@9 was 425x1@10 three weeks ago.
Reverse band deads. Bands seemed to take off about 100 pounds off of the bottom for a foot or so then the bands go slack. Not very familiar with this excercise so if anyone has any imput on where the bands are generally placed that would be appreciated. I put them were they are obviously just to have the weight go full on at lockout, but I am not sure if that is the way you are supposed to do it.,
Squats: Dont really know where the gains came from but they were large. Squatting 455x5@9 instead of 455x3@10 was way beyond what I thought would happen, and hitting 500x3@10 shows an increase of over 50 pounds for a single. I really should stay with the protocol of 5 reps minimum, but I had to use 500 as a guage to see if the gains I thought I had were actually there.
Ate 120g of oats in water, I tbsp of Natural peanut butter, a multivitimin and drank 400ml of egg whites. Time to relax.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Bench rehab- Left pec damage. 4th rehab workout. 135x5 185x5-No pain yet, had pain at this time last week. 225x5 slow reps. Still no pain whatsoever. 275x13@8... Pretty pumped about this. Really slow negatives on these reps and I felt no pull on my pec. 295x9@8 315x5@8 335x3@8 225x20@8 Crazy pump. This should be a good point to stop.
Hammerstrength incline 270x10@9 270x7@9
Tricep machine x20,20
Barbell curl. 135x7,5-skipped due to tight elbows.
Seated hammer curl. 40's x10@7
Really excited about todays workout. Last week I did 235x20 to get blood into my chest to speed recovery and today I didnt even feel the pulled area. Last week even the negatives on 235 made me nervous. My chest felt unstable in the affected area. I am going to finish up this volume cycle (3 more pressing days) with high reps and then start incorperating the heavier protocol of the intensity cycle when that cycle comes.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Deadlift:x2@8-9 315x2 405x2@7 495x2@7 ADD SUIT 495x2@7 585x2@8 635x2@8.5 Pr 675x1@9 Pr! Could taste the material the suit was so far up my ass... This was supposed to be a double but the suit binded up so much on the first rep that I lost all support. Easy rep though. 585x2@8
Deadlifts- Today was my first day pulling conventional with a deadlift suit ever! I had a lot of problems. First off, my suit was way too big. Literally took me 3 seconds to get on, second, I remember ordering it to pull sumo, so i assume the angle is what is trying to drive me knees towards each other at the bottom. Built for a way wider stance. Third is seems to be ok for a single, because after lockout, the suit is way too high to add support at the bottom. I pulled 660 a few weeks back and have gotten stronger since then. 675 is where I thought my raw would be sitting at at a minimum, so like Mike I am thinking that the suit might be a bit of a pain to get dialed in. It is pretty obvious that I need to scrap this suit and order up a proper suit to train with a.s.a.p.
Boxsquats and lockouts went better than last week. PR on both by a large margin. Most likely from learning the excercise last week.
-- Edited by JordanLinteris at 01:53, 2008-12-06
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
I think this will be my final rehab day. Chest felt good today. Could not feel the pulled area at all today. Knowing there is an issue in my pec makes the reps really hard compared to normal. My mind is forcing me to lift ultra cautiously. This is why 355 was @9. Back to the normal protocol next week, followed by BENCH SHIRT TRAINING... WOOO... ha or not.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.
Squats- These were insane on the back. The top set felt ridiculous to lift and walk out. Reps were good and strong. Have never used chains like this, but I can guarentee this has to be some sort of good PR for me.
Reverse deads- Huge jump on these. Pulled 655 clean and easy for my double. Very confident now on my intensity block that I can break 700 on these.
SKWAAAAATS- 405X10 is something I have always aimed for. I have got to 8 before (last week) and made it to 10 easy today. The point of doing one big set was that I was already running late to get my kids so I only had time for one set. Back to 4x5-8 next week.
The way to Jordan's heart, is through his left ventricle.