This was my first session back to full training. I have had respiratory infections which have required antibiotic treatments...then discovering I was allergic to the particular antibiotic. The break has now given path to a competition on the 15th of Feb.
The Bench with light bands and chain was a whole lot of lockout! I haven't used that much top end stuff before, and we have decided to drop back to just the bands. We dont want to lose any bottom end strength. I hit the wall early in this I had no idea of what to expect. If I had known, I would have chosen different steps
3ct ISO MIO was great as well. My pause was at about 2-3 inches off my chest. This was the first time doing these. I think these will be of great benefit to me. My shoulders appear to be a w point and this made me quite fatigued in this area.
My triceps were destroyed by the time I got to pushdowns.
This seemed like a very short workout, but I feel like a lot was achieved I struggled all this week to select weights.
Another session of "feeling it out" weight wise. Squats went well. I was having lower back fatigue issues due to tight hamstrings a few months back...but that seems to have resolved. The squats were done with just a belt, I would normally have worn knee wraps, but I will be training without them.
Again the fatigue crept up pretty quick, but it had been a couple weeks since I had lifted this heavy. Depth was great! Super deep.
Reverse band deadlift took about 60kgs to touch the ground. These felt good, I still have a weakness in the lockout, and the bands are great for that. The tension terminated just under knee height. Slight grip issues, but the more I hold onto barbells I should be fine.
Lunges!!!! What can I say. This was my first time, and I dont feel like I reached my full potential, purely because of stability issues. I was lucky I didnt kill myself doing these! Again another short session???
DB Arnold Press 15 x8 @8 17.5 x8 @8 20 x8 @9 17.5 x8 @9 Time =11
Bench work Is really different at the moment. By this session I had done 2 GPP sessions with scap and rotator cuff work. The biggest Key is the stretching of the internal and external rotators.
After doing these sessions, my shoulder girdle feels so different, with there a big difference between each side. My left shoulder doesnt appear to work as well as my right. But after the stretching, I can feel a major difference in the function of it. Almost like it was being inhibited, and I couldnt activate it. I expect over the months, my bench will shoot up because of this. Its really exciting
The shirt bench went well, with a project 1rm of 125 + 45kg of chain...which if I cant get that (170kgs with a Katana, I will be really happy). I would love to get over 180 in feb
The DB arnold press again felt great because of the shoulder.
Deadlifts were a bit of a mess up, I should have gone to 185 at least. It was still a 9 at 180...but I dont think 185 would have been that much harder with enough rest.
Squat with blue band was deceptive. The warm up sets were nothing and the band didnt feel like it was providing that much resistance...but the work sets seemed to have doubled the resistance out of nowhere, must have been the combo of bar weight and band weight that got me.
Reverse hypers were done using my homemade machine. They are great, I love the flexability element to it. My lowerback and glutes were toast after these.
Bit of a longer session...but I needed it. Sets of 4 with deadlifts kills me
Elbows Out extension 15 x15 @8 16 x15 @8 15 x15 @8 15 x15 @9 Time =8m
I had a 5% drop off today, but even still, the double light band bench fatigued me so quick.I got more weight on the bar today which felt better at the bottom. But still Locking out a doubled light band is crazy for me.
for the 1 board press, I used a piece of would about 1.5 inches thick.
These felt really good. It was good to go over 100kgs in something!
When I dropped the 5% I felt I could have kept going and going...I dont know if thats a bad thing or not. But I reached a 9 in 3 sets.
Reading the description on elitefts about the elbows out extension made me feel a bit better! Looking in the mirror now I can still see the the head of the tricep closest to the elbow still pumped up!
I am really missing this area muscle mass it feels good to be working it.
Deadlift off plate +45kg chain (green olympic on top of matt) 120 x4 @8 130 x4 @8 140 x4 @9 132.5 x4 @9 (-5%) Time =21
Front Squat 60 x10 @8 80 x10 @9 75 x10 @9 Time =8m
Squats felt a bit better. A higher estimated 1RM than last week. I am getting back to my old strength levels.
DL off plates were great, hugest pump in my glutes and lowerback. I think these will help my weak start off the floor. The chain smashed my lockout...I was hoping for more, but the lockouts were hard. Spent my time on these
Front squats Smashed me. I didnt feel it so much in my legs....more in my wrists and fingers. I tried different hand positions...but they all sucked. I also tried straps ala brad gillingham...didnt work with the straps I have. Dont know how much these will help...I might have to try something different next time round.
Incline (thumb from smooth) 50 x10 @8 50 x10 @8 60 x10 @9 55 x10 @9 Time =10m
Raw bench was good. Shoulder feels great...still feels weird benching with two rotator cuffs! Up on last weeks estimated 1RM
3 Board bench was good as well. My last recorded best was 140kgs for 1. The estimated 1rm from today was over 155kgs. So thats was a confidence booster.
Incline was good...10 reps was a massive burn! The setup was ghetto, I had to use my rack and prop up the bench on bars etc (pin I can remember) but it worked really well. Hit my shoulders and triceps really hard...I lack a lot of mass in the its good
Good Morning 60 x15 @8 80 x15 @9 75 x15 @9(-5%) Time =12m
Deadlifts were great, yet again increasing on my estimated 1rm...getting closer to my previous close!
Squats were good, but should have tried 185 or 190 instead of 180. They were nice and deep, and I was able to get 2 sets in after the initial fatigue stop. I am used to wearing these squats are a bit lower than my regular 1RM but I was happy anyways!
Good mornings were crazy, 15 reps. I think Mike is trying to kill me. It fried my glutes and lowerback in a really good way. I had a medium stance...somewhere inbetween my deadlift and squat stance.
Deb said I looked a bit wonky on the GMs, so I might have to video it. I have a really tight left hip, I think it is throwing everthing out.
Getting a better technique on the double light bands. It is teaching to use more leg drive...which I normally have none.
Pinky on the ring is really wide for me. I felt it quite a lot in my pecs..which normally dont get much of a workout. I think they will help with the bottom end alot. Locking out that much chain with such a wide grip was pretty hard.
3 board for 10 reps killed me. as I have said before, I need more mass in the triceps, so this is perfect
Peterson step up 60 x8 @8 100 x8 @8 100 x8 @9 95 x8 @8 95 x8 @9 Time =10m
Squats were good, not the greatest depth on the 200s. Not IPF but 90 degrees. Dont normally go this heavy without wraps, but it feels rewarding. I had a foward lean on the last set...which was a bit harsh on my back. But its is okay now.
Rack pulls felt really good, it is the first workout that I have felt a better workout of the posterior chain. Maybe my hip flexors are finally loosening up
Peterson step ups where good, my VMO has been falling behind as of late. I used to have trouble with it in the past, so it was a good reminder
Standing Military 50 x8 @8 55 x8 @8 60 x8 @9 55 x8 @9 Time =12m
Raw bench was a bit rough today. I think I am starting to gain heaps on my lockout....but not so much on my bottom end. It was a true 9...but it was hard. I had no speed off the chest. Maybe I should have had longer rests? I am still having to get used to benching with 2 rotator cuffs. The left is sooooo far behind still, but it is progressing
The reverse band with chain was good, I like this exercise a lot. The chains made it quite hard, but rewarding.
Military...i am so weak in the shoulders. This was hard! I need more work there...much more.
Deadlifts felt pretty good, until I got to the second fatigue set...I just died so quick. Aparently this is normal. My grip has been good this session. I have just been holding onto deadlifts for as long as I can at the end of each set
Box squat +chain was good. I guess it was pretty solid, last time I maxed on these I got 200kgs...but with no chain. SO I guess I am much stronger now.
I made some modifications to my reverse hyper (strap length) The exercises seems so much harder...but it hit my posterior chain so much harder and I fatigued much quicker. It felt great though