The Double light band was okay, I find it really hard to judge the RPE because it just seems to swamp me, the fatigue just comes in tides. Not a slow build just hits me. So the 87.5 could have been a 9.5! I tweeked my elbow on the 87.5...its kinda sore, but nothing to worry about. I put ice on it at the end of the session and it feels okay today (thursday)
ISO MIO was great, I hit a higher number than last time. I like this exercise. I seem to pause longer than mike in the videos....unless that is my imagination!
JM press was a good change from press downs. However, my elbow was sore from the double bands. I got through it okay. It seems to hit the tricep in all the right places
Incline (pinky on the rings) 50 x7 @8 60 x7 @8 70 x7 @9 65 x7 @8 65 x7 @9 Time =14
Raw bench isnt jumping up as much as I would Like, I had to sit back and think about it....Im only 4 weeks in, my bench has always sucked, and my shoulder strength is getting better as well as my rotator cuff. So one this is all in line...I should start seeing more consistant increases.
Floor press was good, elbow felt okay with little to no pain.
Incline pinky on the rings was just what I needed, talking about shoulder/pec strength! I felt these in the best way possible
Smashed it up this session. Deadlifts were great, no troubles...slight grind on the top of each lift, but the speed off the floor is great. My grip is going really well.
Squat with blue band was awesome, a 12kgs increase in estimated 1RM from week 1. I have also gotten a lot faster as well. No sore knees or elbows either!
SLDL was a marathon. These set my glutes and erectors on fire. Felt great.
3Board (index on smooth) + chain 55 x15 @8 60 x15 @9 57.5 x15 @9 Time =9m
Good workout, I did better in the loose fury than I thought I would. My old PB in that shirt was 140x1, so doing a triple at 135 with more in the tank was great
Bench pinky on ring, well I need so much work out wide, so good to have again.
The 3board was a marathon again...but it feels great to have large my puny tricpes will grow!
DL off plate + chain 130 x4 @8 140 x4 @9 150 x4 @9 145 x4 @9 (-3%) Time =18
Front squat 65 x10 @8 85 x10 @9 82.5 x10 @9 Time =12m
First time in a suit for a while. The straps have been shortened so the suit is seated a bit better. It is really tight around my I am bruised pretty good! It was okay depth, passable, but I think I need just a bit more weight to get deeper.
DL of plate was a big PB, these were great, no belt so my errectors are smashed, but its a rewarding exercise.
Front squats were better than last time, 5kgs up...still it hurts!
I am knackered today from the workout, I feel bashed around from the suit, but it was great to get back in them. I felt groggy and I wanted to eat everything insite
I think all the work is paying off, raw and top end, because thats a estimated 1RM of ~300.
Deadlifts were okay...not great. My lockout is getting better, but it is the one thing that is holding me back. According to the estimated 1rm, I am back over 250!
Box squats, a 5kg PB, they felt nice and easy, however i started "goodmorning" by the 4th rep. Lost contact on my heels by the feel of it.
RDLs smoked my lower traps, and lowerback....and grip!
3ct ISO MIO bench 80 x4 @8 90 x4 @8 100 x4 @9 95 x4 @9 (-5%) Time =18m
JM Press 45 x10 @8 60 x10 @9 55 x10 @9 Time =12m
It was a good and bad session. The good: over 160 estimated 1rm for Bench in a fury! Massive PB in ISO MIO.
I was really gassed this session. We had the largest thunderstorms the night before, and I lost quite a lot of sleep (I got about 3 hours all night). The weather was terrible, being over 30 degrees (Celsius) after a thunder storm...t was soooooooooo muggy. I was training alone, and I had to wrestle the shirt on. It would normally take under 5 mins...but it took over 20, because it was so sticky. I wasted so much energy trying to get it on.
I got tired quickly because of that....but I still got PBs !
Peterson step up 100 x8 @8 115 x8 @9 110 x8 @9 Time =13m
Trained christmas day...I dont know if that makes me dedicated...or evil? All I know is, I didnt want to end up in hospital!!!! Trained before a big Xmas lunch, which was great
Got the straps taken up in the metal suit, and I am finding it very hard to hit depth in it. The superior seemed to be easier once the straps were taken up...but the metal is 10X harder!!!!! It may wear in, I dont know. 285 felt not to draining, but just the depth wasnt there.
Mid shin rack pulls were well as the petersons