beltless front squats to bench paused 140x5 230x5 280x5 @8 280x5 @8.5 320x5 @9
beltless close stance good mornings 140x5 230x5 @8 260x5 @8.5
ez bar curls 80 3x8
pushdowns 110x8 120x8
calf machine 4x12
plan was to hit some singles at about 90% tonight, went ok, pec was a little tight which held me back a little. my raw lockout feels pretty good though. 2nd time front squatting this week and paused to the bench these really hit the core hard as well as the good mornings. DJ hit raw paused singles on the bench with 405, 420, and 435 and Joe did some singles with 340 and 350.
trained today because of work tomorrow and my sisters 22nd bday party. put the old suit on for the rack pulls just because i trained last night and my core was pretty sore from it. Everything moved good today, was esp happy with the squats, usually i get a little twinge in the knee with 315 beltless but nothing today.
strong training by everyone tonight. havent done a heavy belt/wrap squat in a while, 545 felt good and 590 was a good choice tonight, moved pretty decently. tried out the sumo to knees, really hits the posterior chain well. DJ did a 600 belt/wraps squat and Joe did 525.
front squats to below parallel box 135x5 belt 225x5 @8 275x5 @9 300x5 @9
closestance good mornings 135x5 225x5 @8
bicep curls 80 3x8
pushdowns 110x8 120x8 110x8
calf machine 4x12
ran for 10 min on tmill at 6.0 mph
pretty happy with the workout today. bench is feeling good and my lockout was solid tonight. 495 moved well tonight. front squats to the low box are very tough but a great movement. low back was a little tight from the sumos the other day so only hit one set of the good mornings. DJ was feeling a little under recovered but still managed a 440 raw 2 board and Joe got 365 to a 2 board.
did the best i could today, felt a little tired goin into the gym today. Not a pr day on the box deads but the weights moved. Tris were still a little fatigued from the shirt bench the other day. box squats went well overall. DJ pulled off the box for 585x1 and hit a 405 closegrip thumbless bench and Joe worked the sumo dead.
walk on tmill at 3.5 mph with various inclines for 12 min
took it light today with everything, deloading this week and then starting up again next week for the october meet. wanted to keep the rpes between 7 and 8 which worked good. Joe took it light as well doin some front squats with 315 with a belt.
easy day, kept the rpes low again to rest up for the competition cycle. front squats paused to the box are a great movement, really hits the core and mid back as well as legs and hips. DJ had an off day but will rework some things and get back and track and Joe did the same weights as me.
very happy with the sumos today. 660 is a huge pr (most i pulled sumo was 585x2) so im going to try it out at the regionals in october. the old titan suit is perfect for mod sumo and 660 pushed me but i may have been able to get 10lbs more. Just gotta tweak the form a little. Kept the other stuff light to rest for the upcoming week of training. DJ worked on his form and has a plan thats gonna be very successful come october. Danny hit a 585 dead for a 25lb pr. Mike had a great bench day hitting 2 paused singles with 435 and then 3 sets of triples paused with 400. Thanks to anthony scolaro for comin down and helpin us out, always good to see him and the rest of the YPC.
decent night overall. the super cent is kinda loose in the straps so im gonna get them pinched but not too much to impact depth too much. Depth was at parallel for 585 and 635 and below on the straps down work. I need to throw the good mornings back into the mix as the last time i did suit work i felt very comfortable from the gms. My descent has gotten a little faster which is helping the depth just need to practice a little more. DJ did a 655 straps down and joe did 565 straps down. Ill use my other 42 centurion in two weeks and see how that goes.
front squats to below parallel box paused 135x5 225x5 @8 belt 275x5 @8.5 315x5 @9
good mornings (slightly wider than shoulder width) 225x5 @8 belt 275x3 @8.5 315x5 @9
ezbar curls 80x8 90 2x8
pushdowns 100x8 120 2x8
calf machine 4x12
ran 1 mile on tmill at 6.0 mph
weird night on the benches. the 48 super had virtually no pop to it at all (bought it used but thought it had some potentional) and the 455 set proved it. Its a decent training shirt, but ill stick with the 50 super katana for the regionals. liked the band work havent done it in a while but i will throw that into the mix now and again. fronts felt strong tonight as well as good mornings. DJ benched 485 plus doubled mm in the shirt and Joe hit some doubles with 385 shirted.
had to cut this workout short today so skipped assistance. was supposed to do rack pulls but i was still a little sore from thursday so hit the gms instead which are prob more effective anyway. iso mio bench went good also.
beltless sumo deads paused out of rack (plates 3in off floor) 230x5 320x5 410x5 @8 410x5 @8 410x5 @8
45 deg hyperext with light band 3x8
decline situps with 12 lb bar 3x10
really good lifting all around today. squats had good speed and the lower bar position kept me more upright and hopefully will solve some gear depth problems. beltless sumos felt great as well. DJ worked up to a top set of pause squats with 500x2 belt only.
close stance good mornings- belt 225x5 @8 255x5 @8 225x5 @8
bicep curls 80 3x8
calf machine 4x12
ran 1 mile on tmill at 6.0 mph
bench was pretty decent today, been a few weeks since i did any significant volume raw. overall i was happy with it even though the rpes were higher than i wanted them to be. front squats went well, happy that the knee feels better and went without the box for the first time in a while.
beltless squats to bench paused with doubled monster minis 135x5 225x5 @8 275x3 @8.5 275x3 @9
hammer strength high row 3px6 3p +25 2x6
hip abd 3x10
reverse pec deck 120 3x8
nautalis ab crunch 185 2x10
ran 10' on tmill at 6.0 mph
Box work has been off the last few times, maybe just a little under-recovered. I originally was gonna pull off the box with bands but the setup wasnt producing much tension so i canned it and just went regular. I think i can do better with my wrestling shoes next time. Floor presses were ok nothing crazy and the squats were a little tougher than i wanted them to be. Just need to recover over the next few days.