had an accident, drs said i suffered a grade 3 shoulder separation. THat was 2 weeks ago and i already have almost a full ROM w/out pain and have been able to train VERY LIGHT (like rehab stuff) but the shoulder is ridiculously weak. Went to the PT and they said they dont think its grade 3 because of the ROM i had without pain after 9 days. Plus tony parrella is a pt and he has said he doesnt think its as bad either. Ive been able to do tons of leg work obviously, lower back work, im able to seated rowing movements, very light pec flies on the machine, tricep pushdowns, bicep curls, front, side and rear delt raises of course only using between 5-15 lb dumbells... so does anyone here have had a similar injury and how did they rehab it? Thanks guys D.J.
I earned my grade 3 AC joint seperation skiing in Alaska. It hurt so bad I almost hurled. I could not put on a T-shirt or deoderant without help from my wife for more than a week. However, according to my orthopedic surgeon, the AC joint has no real functionality in modern humans. I did rehab on my own and set bench PRs in meets several months later. Make sure you bench with your elbows tucked to minimize shoulder movement.
ive been getting a lot of answers and replies from either people who have never had this injury, but knew about it like chiros and stuff or people who have had it but arent powerlifters
this is the response i was looking for. Yea man i know what u mean i couldnt get on a tshirt for like the first week either or put on deodorant, it was miserable. Im now like 2.5 weeks down the road from the injury, feeling better, ROM is full range again, still a little achy and very weak on pressing movements so far. Ive been doing a lot of rotator cuff work, lots of rowing movements which somehow make it feel a lot better, high bar squats with a pad, light deadlifts and very light pressing machines, not even a barbell yet because the shoulder is extremely weak. What kind of stuff do you recommend as far as rehab and how long till the strength comes back?? Yea man i know what u mean too, i became dizzy because it hurt so bad. I ran into the house and fell on the floor because my legs gave out from the pain, when my sister helped me back to my feet and calmed me down, we drove to the ER but i brought an entire box of chips ahoy cookies with me to eat, because i felt like my sugar levels being drained and felt like i was gonna pass out haha.
Thanks again for the response any further detailed info on like ur rehab program and stuff is greatly appreciated