I think i had my straps too tight cause i couldn't get my hips down as much as i wanted on a few sets. Its weird if i tighten the straps down i cant get my hips down but it doens't give me anymore pop. Sign of an old suit i guess.
geared squat - 505x3, 530x3, 555x2, all straps down reverse green - 585x2, 615x2 floor press - 275x3, 285x3, 275x3 pin 3 rack pull - 315+quaded minis x 3, 365+quaded minis x 3x2 sets
cool down foam roll
Decided to lower the volume from what i had planned on my straight weight sets for squat to be sure i'd get my overload work in. Good thing beause my left leg was still bothering me, not quite as bad as last week though. From the video i looked high still on nearly all of my sets but next week i will deload and wear no gear for lower body so hopefully i can heal up. Not sure why i'm having so much of a problem with this but will just have to keep up with my stretching and soft tissue work.
As far as weights everything felt good today, looking at the video all my sets of squat moved pretty fast, like i said depth probably lacked a little but i haven't had enough spotters lately to have someone call my depth. Floor press sucks, i dont feel comfortable doing it but i do feel it helps my raw bench so i will keep doing it. Rack pulls felt really good today, probably coulda hit 425-450 if i had went for a single today.
warmup foam roll lacross ball mobility shoulder circuit EQI pushup
shirted bench - 365x3x2 sets off 2 board raw deadlift - 405x3x2 sets wide stance raw squat - 95x5, 135x5, 185x5
cool down foam roll lacross ball static stretch
Originally i had elected not to squat at all cause i was tired and well, really didnt want to. So i decided to do some raw squats in a stance wider than my competition stance to help work on my hip flexibility. Will said i was barely breaking parallel. I think i will work this exercise in during accumulation at higher reps, sets of 10 or so. I think it will help my flexibility and raw strength in the hole.
-- Edited by Binford on Monday 4th of May 2009 11:40:27 PM
Circuit 1 1. flat db press - 60x10, 80x10x2 sets 2. pullups - bw x 10x3 sets 3. GHR abs - bw x 10, 10lbs x 10, 20lbs x 10 4. GHR - bw x 10, 17" box x 10x2 sets
Circuit 2 1. tate press - 60x10x2 sets 2. hammer curl - 40x10x2 sets 3. TKE - green x 15x2 sets 4. side plank - 45 sec x 2 sets 5. ISO scarecrow - minis x 20 sec x 2 sets
1 hour - Avg HR 136
Still feeling pretty crappy, not any better, not any worse. Felt stronger on db presses this week than i did last, pullups and GHR's felt strong as well.
warmup foam roll lacross ball mobility circuit shoulder circuit
raw squat - 315x1x3 sets raw bench - 255x1x3 sets raw deadlift - 405x1x2 sets
Warmed up with super wide stance raw squats again today, i definately think when i implement these with higher reps they will definately help my flexiblity and strength in the hole.
Weights felt pretty good today but my work capacity and energy are still down from being sick. Felt a little better this morning then it all came back this afternoon. Hopefully i will get over this **** soon.
raw bench - 275x1, 315x1 off 3 board shirted bench -385x3 off 2 board -385x3 off 1.5 board -405x2x2 sets off 1 board -425x2 off 1 board -475x2 off 3 board (new shirt) -515x2 off 3 board (new shirt), PR
raw deadlift - 405x2, 425x2x3 sets SSB raw foam box squat - 385x2, 405x2x3 sets
cool down hip flexibility
Think i'm finally getting over my cold/sinus infection. Work capacity was good but strength is down slightly, i think i should be good by next week though. 515 felt very heavy today, 2nd rep grinded a little but i got a little out of groove. Raw deads felt like the weight was glued to the floor and i had to break the glue to break the ground. Raw box squats were probably about 1 inch high but felt strong.
Circuit 1 1. flat db press - 80x14x2 sets 2. pullups - bw x 12x2 sets 3. GHR - 17" box x 10, 12 4. GHR abs - 10lbs x 10, 15lbs x 10
Circuit 2 1. hammer curl - 40x12x2 sets 2. tate press - 50x12x2 sets 3. face pulls - 70x12x2 sets 4. TKE - green x 15x2 sets 5. side bridge - bw x 75sec x 2 sets
cool down tennis ball
Arms felt a little beat up today but probably just still a little fatigued from yesterday and also from mowing my yard today, felt like i was mowing cow pasture as tall as the grass was.
The more i sweat throughout the workout the more my suit stretches out and the less pop it gives me. It already doesnt give me much anymore but the more i sweat the worse it gets.
Thanks Mike! Yeah i definately feel lucky to have such a great gym to lift at. We started with 3 lifters in a guys garage now we have a gym with nearly 40 members, 2 monolifts, competition bench, 3 deadlift platforms, reverse hyper, 2 glute hams, 2 45 hypers, 2 lat pulldowns, chest supported row, dumbbells galore, 2 sets of 100lb plates, 2 safety squat bar, 2 cambered squat bars, 2 texas power bars, 1 jesup squat bar, 1 fat bar, 2 swiss bars, several other crappy bars, sleds, prowlers, plyo boxes. I could go on and on :), but i definately agree.
Anybody who is ever in the southwest missouri area is free to come check it out, Strong Gym in Springfield, MO. We are finally getting some more guys to compete, for the most part we are just a bunch of gym rats but there is a local meet in June that alot of the guys, including myself will be doing.
-- Edited by Binford on Friday 15th of May 2009 05:39:24 PM
Warmup - restoration 15 mins - Avg HR - 103 -foam roll -lacross ball -massage stick -static stretch
Cardiac work 45 mins - Avg HR 123 -backward med ball throws -forward med ball throws -med ball slam downs -lift offs for Kyle -walking around with 20lb vest
Cool down - restoration 15 minutes- Avg HR 120 -foam roll -lacross ball -massage stick -static stretch