Highlights: - The DVD is ready! - The new website is ready (www.reactivetrainingsystems.com) - The the forum will be migrating to the new website - email me with suggestions
Hey everybody!
Now that I'm back from World Games, I have enough off my plate to add some more! We are launching the new RTS Website at www.reactivetrainingsystems.com. This website has been quite a lot of time and effort in the making and it's now ready. On the new website, you'll be able to buy the new RTS DVD, the RTS manual, Eric Talmant's new DVD, and a bunch of other stuff as well. In the near future, we will also have Titan equipment for sale. The website will contain a new forum so everything is consolidated in one space. The information contained in the old forum won't be lost, however -- it will just move to Archive status (which will be clear when you see the website). There are articles available as well. Many of these articles will be unavailable anywhere else! Another brief note on the forum: I apologize that everyone must re-register for the forum. I know it's a pain, but it will be well worth it as you will see. Also, I know that many people were having issues registering on this forum. Those issues should be eliminated on the new one.
And before you think the new website is just another powerlifting retail store, you should know that we are in the process of building new applications that are not currently in use around the powerlifting community. The Training Log feature is nearly complete. Once it is finished, you will be able to log and analyze large amounts of data quickly and effectively. It will be a grade above the RTS spreadsheets. The result will be improved training efficiency. As soon as the Training Log application is complete, we will begin work on the TRAC application. This feature will allow users to perform simple but reliable tests to determine their daily state of recovery. There will be more information to follow on TRAC -- why it's important, etc. But for now, just know that what you see at reactivetrainingsystems.com is the basics as far as we are concerned. We will continue to evolve and improve -- just like good training!
-- Edited by Mike Tuchscherer on Wednesday 29th of July 2009 09:15:07 PM