I was wondering about you guys personal experiences with this. Is it possible to bring up all 3 lifts at once? From my personal experience Id say no. I have had times where my bench has really gone up but my deadlift and squat have stayed the same. Lately my squat has been going way up but my bench is stalling and so is my deadlift. Alright guys. Peace.
It sounds to me like you need to changes some variables.
Try a new template. 3x upper 3x lower (over 3 days or 6 days)
4x upper 4x lower (over 4 days)
I've even tried 4x lower 6x upper (over 6 days)
Try longer/shorter mesocycles, new exercises, spend more time on conditioning, try an overload transition week, concentrated loading, independent stress management (by exercise slot) etc...the changes we can make with these variables are just scratching the surface with how RTS can be manipulated for your progress.